Thursday, September 07, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Trip to the ER
Saturday night Ash was bit by something shortly before bed time, I shrugged it off, put some caladryl on it and sent her to bed. Sunday, she limped around on it and complained that it was really bothering her quite a bit. It looked like a spider bite to us, with a little puss pocket on top, but nothing horrible, so we told her to stop thinking about and move her leg as much as she could. By evening time, she was lethargic, and came down with a fever. She complained of muscle cramps and a headache. I jumped online and found information that pointed towards a poisonus spider bite. We ended up taking her to the ER here in Seguin where they took blood, and did a culture of the puss pocket. We're still not 100% sure what bit her, but whatever it was the blood test showed a bacterial infection of some sort. We're still waiting on the results, which will take 3-4 days, but they did end up giving her a shot of antibiotic and a prescrption that will cover all of our bases in case she has a staph infection. This morning she is a new person, she feels 100% better. We'll make her an appointment tomorrow and have her doc. call in for the test results asap to find out what we need to do next, but for now, we're just so glad the shot has made such a huge difference.
Sargent Rock
In the midst of the moving chaos, the Urben's have lost their mind. We have adopted another sweet doggie. We've had him for a week now and are just absolutely so in love with him. He's a 9-12 month old chihuahua mix, a dog I would have NEVER imagined myself having. His personality is just so sweet. He will sit in your lap whenever you want, and for as long as you want, but then he'll get up and play when you want too. He has slept with us the past few nights at dads house and has just been the sweetest little cuddle bud! He loves to stay snuggled up next to you to keep warm. He gets along so well with Big Dud and Sadie Sue. Dud tolerates him, but is getting more and more tolerant everyday. Sadie really likes the little guy and will play with him whenever he wants. Sarge has really proven to be a perfect match for our family. We took a ride on the boat yesterday and he didn't flinch! He just relaxed in my lap, and took in all the new scents. Not the skittish little chihuahua one would expect.
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