This is so touching to me. This reminds me of all our sweet angel pets and how special they are. Just today I was thinking about how short our pets lives are. My brothers best friend and cat Omar passed away a few weeks ago, and last week we got news that our"other" dog Allie has lymphoma. Fortunately, after further testing, lymphoma may not be the correct diagnosis afterall, but we're still unsure.
Thanks for sending this to me Tiesa, it couldn't have come at a better time.
A great outlook on Life…
A Dog's Purpose (from a 6-year-old)
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound, named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa, a nd their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.
I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the Family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform The euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.
As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would Be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt As though Shane might learn something from the experience
The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's Family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.
The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any Difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are Shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, Piped up, "I know why."
Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.
He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good Life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?" The Six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so They don't have to stay as long."
Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
~When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
~Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
~Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
~Take naps.
~Stretch before rising.
~Run, romp, and play daily.
~Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
~Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
~On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
~On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
~When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
~Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
~Be loyal.
~Never pretend to be something you're not.
~If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
~When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly
Every evening just as the sky is beginning to darken, and dusk has settled in, just up the road from home, a massivie congregation of birds make their way to Georgetown. Hundreds of birds start their evening off with a little conversation near the post office, and eventually, make their way to the corner Jack in the Box, some 200 yards West. They settle in for the evening on power lines, trees, and even the stoplight crossing the main road. On those evenings when we happen to cross paths, one thing is always for certain. The windows MUST come down. Whatever your mood, to hear their sweet conversations inevitabley give the corners of your frown a slight lift. This is one of the few times that a red light is welcome. After I dropped Ashley off at Cotillion Saturday night, I noticed more than just the sound, but the beautiful sunset in the distance and had to rush home and arm myself with the Nikon.
Bathroom Remodel Day 1,573,984
And shower fixtures, and rugs, and towels, and a half hearted attempt at decor that will only be around for the weekend. Monday, it all comes out for more construction, but for now, we will enjoy!
Don't forget to click to enlarge!

And shower fixtures, and rugs, and towels, and a half hearted attempt at decor that will only be around for the weekend. Monday, it all comes out for more construction, but for now, we will enjoy!
Don't forget to click to enlarge!
Bathroom Remodel,
Home Improvement
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