(Ok, my pics are not uploading, I'm tired, going to bed, will deal with this in the morning)
Rewind-School of Alex stuff
It’s been too long, I know, I am bad, I am not worthy of keeping a Blog. Tis life, and this life is mine. Better late than never, right? If I ever get a tattoo, that is what it will read. Since my last entry we have been super busy. Mark (I mean WE) got a new truck. A super sweet truck. Black F150 Lariat Supercrew 4 door. Very clean, leather interior super horrible gas mileage. Who could ask for more. Lets see...I've dug up a gazillion bush roots and planted new bushies, some of which are transplanted nandinas from mom's yard that Ashley planted as a bitty girl. Aw, so sweet. I planted two Chinese Pistache trees, and transplanted one mountain laurel from our old house...shhh, that's our secret. There is so much more to do outside. It will all come together. We're also in the process of painting the kitchen. We have three different colors up right now, but I think we've narrowed it down, and will hopefully get started this weekend. Tonight Mark and I went to the tile place and ordered our tile!!!!!!!!!!! Our kitchen floors will look like dook no longer! I can't wait to mop my floors and watch them come clean! Imagine that! The master bath will follow soon behind. Oh, oh, oh, other news, I can't believe I'm saving this for last, oh wait, I'm going to save that for another entry. Hehe! I'm just mean. (edited Jan. 1st to add...Braces, she got braces!)
Ok, so rewind a bit to the adventures of staying home with Alex. Our playgroup is very active, we do lots of fun stuff, but most of all we’re socializing our kiddos along with ourselves. We have at least two get togethers a week. (Throw in Gymnasics on Wednesdays and Storytime on Thursdays and now it's quite obvious why I have ZERO time to Blog) Anywho, here are some pics I took at the Austin Science and Nature Center in the Dino Pit. Our little scientist had the opportunity to dig up dino bones while playing in the sand. What fun!