I was tagged by Mollie gosh darnit. I guess I can't complain, I always enjoy flexing the brain a bit. To finish the statement "Real moms__". I have to think. If I replace the word "mom" with "dad", this meme would be much easier.
I suppose a real mom is more than just the woman who gave birth to you. She's the one who makes your heart feel warm whenever your heart needs warming, and sometimes even when you don't. She's the one who thinks you're the cutest, most beautiful human being she's ever laid eyes on, even with your hair caked with pear juice and face covered in dirt. In fact, she thinks you're just as precious like that as you are wrapped in a fresh towel after a bath. A real mom always has your best interest in mind, even if that means you will dislike her for a little while. A real mom knows that she will always have a special place in your heart. A place that no one could ever replace, because without her, that little space would be cold and empty.
A real mom knows how to make you laugh and strives to hear that laughter daily. She teaches how you can laugh at just about anything if you choose to. A real mom shows her son how his wife should be, and her daughter how to be that wife. A real mom shows her children how to love by hugging them AND their father (and sometimes a tree or two). She shows them how to hold their head up high, even when their wrong...and that being wrong is ok.
Admitting their wrongs is even better than ok.
A real mom is anyone who does the best with what they have, and is always trying do better no matter what their circumstance. She learns from her children just as they learn from her.
She always wishes for her children to have more happiness, love and patience than they could ever imagine.
I know so many REAL MOMS, and I feel so lucky for that!
Oh, almost forgot, I'm suppose to include a picture with this post. Since I don't have one that I think is appropriate, I think I'll share this one.