Saturday, July 08, 2006


It's hard to believe I'm on the home stretch! Just one more week and I will OFFICIALLY be a Stay at Home Mom once again!!!!!!! I'm so anxious! They are sure making me work for it though, this has been one of the most stressful times I've had at this job. We're having to do a project in Microstation, which is HORRIBLY difficult to learn. I have really come so far in learning all that I have, but this program really does require training. It's the least user friendly CAD program I have EVER experienced. It SUCKS! I'm pulling my hair out trying to get my work done. Sadly enough, I know the program more than anyone in the office, so when I leave, I feel for these people, they're not going to be happy. Oh well. I will be at home enjoying my summer with my two favorite little people and that's all that I can think about right now.

Today Mark and I are going to the new house to work, while Paula and Brian have the kids. They just called and asked if the kids could spend the night. Hmmm, let me think.....YES!! Brian and Paula are two of the kindest people I have ever met. I'm just blown away at how lucky we all are to have them in our lives. They would give the shirt off their back to a complete stranger if they new it could make a difference. We're both off to get haircuts and then to the house to work. Can't wait until it's finally OURS!

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