Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Revin' up the engine for 2008

The first step in making progress of any kind is to set goals. Here goes.

In 2007 I began reading regularly...something I've always wanted to do, but never believed I could. I set some goals, and followed through with those goals. This past year I read 21 books and picked up a very fulfilling pastime.

Goal #1

In 2008, I will read at LEAST 21 books. I have other goals that will more than likely interfere with my reading, so I don't want to set that goal to an unachieveable height.

This past year has also been a time of self discovery. I've discovered that I want more out of this life than I have allowed myself to believe I'm capable of. I have limited myself and had not realized this until I really sat back and listened to what I was teaching my children. I want them to believe that they can do anything they want, and that there are no walls, or ceilings in this life. There is NOTHING they can't do.

Ding dong.

Gradually, after hearing these words come out of my mouth time after time, they finally echoed back to me. I realized that I'm teaching this, but I don't live this, nor did I believe it to be true for myself. It's not as though I've ever told myself that I CAN'T do something, I've just never allowed my mind to grasp that I CAN.
I'm not exactly sure why that is, but I really don't believe that it's beneficial to me to expand on that thought.

All I know is that something has sparked inside me and I know that I'm ready to do whatever it is that will make me happy. What this equates to is getting an education, finishing school and allowing myself to dictate my future. I want to teach. Why can't I teach?

Well, I think that everytime the thought entered my brain I refused to allow it to process, because I KNOW that in order to teach, I must have a bachelors degree and for some reason I had sold myself short and decided that this goal was unattainable. I've finally allowed myself to realize that I CAN DO THIS!
I WANT this!
I'm 30 years old and don't have a degree. At 30 I'm finally realizing that there is nothing standing in the way of what I want out of this life. Which leads me to my next goal for this year:

Goal #2

This year, I will tackle the most challenging classes first and not allow the fear of them to hold me back.
I registered for College Algebra yesterday and start in two weeks!
I will take at least one class each semester of 2008.
I will also continue to believe that I too, can do whatever I want in this life, and by doing this, I am in turn teaching my children far more than than I ever could with words.

I tend to do things a little backwards, but somehow in doing this, things tend to work out far better than I could ever imagine.

Goal #3

In order to get the best results out of the previous goals, I must be healthy and strong. I will make better food choices and put forth my best efforts to excercise EACH WEEK. I have really not given adequate attention to my body lately and in turn feel the results physically AS WELL AS mentally. I have a gym membership that I will use each week.

I have many more personal goals relating to friends and family, but I thought I would document just a few to get me started.

I challenge ALL of my friends and family to set some of their own goals, without the thought that this is some sort of cliche' attempt at doing what everyone else does at this time of year. I challenge you to set goals that matter to you, that you genuinely believe that you can and will follow through with.

If you have a blog, consider this a meme that I'm passing on to you, just DO IT! :)

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay Jamie! Great goals!