Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Starting Over

Yesterday was Mark's first day at Apple. He left at 7:45, and was home a little after 6. As much as I missed him, I have to say, it was such a relief for me to get my routines back. Since he's been home, we've all been a little out of whack, with no real routine to speak of. No real defined roles...we just sort of flew by the seat of our pants. That was fun. For a while.
While he was home, we both did an incredible amount of nothing. With two of us responsible for keeping the household running, there was much more down time than either of us have ever had in our own home. If you know me, you know that when I'm at home, I'm typically on my feet. I don't sit back and relax, and really, I wanted to, I just didn't know how to let it all go and allow myself that luxury. Nothing a crash course in relaxation couldn't fix.

So, here we are, back to normal, and ever so thankful for the opportunity to have it all back. I broke out the Fly Lady checklist on Sunday. God I love checklists. This is my list of chores broke down in to daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. It's fail proof. I've had these checklists for about 3 years now and I've learned that with the checklists momma's happy. Anyway, breaking out the lists was like seeing an old friend again. That checklist and I have a lot of catching up to do, and strange as it may sound, I'm anxious to rekindle that relationship we use to have. Like a slice of normal pie.

Something I thought was pretty cute: Any guesses as to what Mark can get for free all day long everyday from the cafeteria at work?


Anonymous said...

An Apple? Glad things are getting back to normal. It's always nice to have alot of family time together though.

Denise said...

I was gonna say apples too...am I right? That would be funny!! Have fun with Flylady! And you're probably gonna get ipods for all your gifts from now on, right?

Kristin said...

Darn! Rachel beat me to it! I was thinkin' water, but that's not really noteworthy, nor cute. And then it hit me - DUH! - Apples. *sigh* oh well..... I'm just glad to hear Mark is working again! I miss ya JamieLou!!

Jamielouwho said...

Oh Kristin, I'm SO glad you said water...Mark asked me the same question the other day (for the record, I was exhausted) and I had no idea and said water too. I felt like a complete moron when he said "apples". DUH! Rachel and Denise are certainly two non-blondes.

Mollie said...

Well I was certainly going to say apples.... really I was ;)

Congrats Markie.

(funny bit of info... my word verification to post this is 'fukwk'.... Am I the only one who gets the irony between James' post and that CAPTCHA? LOL)

D said...

Apples! Congrats to the hubby! I am the same way about my routine - though I don't do much normally and I love having Hubby home, it is so nice when he goes back to work on Monday morning! lol!

We have a friend that works at Apple in the call center. He really loves it there.

Michelle said...

That's great news, Jamie! I have to admit, I wasn't smart enough to guess apples-but that's cute. Congrats to Mark.
Miss ya!