The machinery has arrived, and soon they'll be breaking ground on our swimmin hole!
Here are some before pics. I'll take some at the end of the day and post them later.
Update: End of Day 1
The boss man came out to the house today for the first time, and I have to say, he got me VERY nervous. He stared at the site for quite some time shaking his head, and finally when he spoke he said, "I think this is the toughest job we've ever had to do." Joy. Warm Fuzzies. NOT. After he was here for about half an hour the pin that connects the shovel thingymabopper broke. They had to cut their day short and order a new pin. Thankfully, this won't set them behind too much, since they didn't plan on working over the weekend anyway. They'll be here first thing Monday morning, and once again, I will probably get abosolutely nothing done, as I can't seem to pull my self away from watching and waiting to find out whether we'll hit rock or not. That's where the big bucks come in. So far so good, but there's no telling, one dig could be beautiful black dirt, and right underneath could be solid rock shelf.
Here are some pics of the progress:
HOW EXCITING!!! How long does it take from start to finish?
Hehe! Well, digging takes from 4-6 hours, unless of course they hit rock that they are unable to get through...and then they back fill around the pool with gravel and dirt, and then they do the decking. They say 1 week total. I'm not holding my breath, but so far so good, no bad signs of rock yet and we're about half way there!
Did you have to cut down your beautiful trees?
No, the trees in the pictures are staying. You can see the stump of the one Ash and I cut down, but that's the only one that had to go. :(
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